[skate video] Learned 3 tricks after 2 and a half weeks without skating WHATTTTT
Man, I'm not made for that!!!
Dá pra mim não, rapá!
Sometimes it's good to stay a while away from our boards - we get so anxious and excited to skate again that we unblock something in our mind that allows us to skate even better. Well, better isn't the correct word since all the tricks were reaaaaally sketchy, but let's include "more creative" in this better and everything is fine hahahaha
Às vezes é bom ficar um tempo longe do carrinho - a gente fica tão ansioso e excitado pro próximo rolé que acabamos desbloqueando algo na nossa mente que permite a gente andar até melhor. Tá bom, melhor não é a melhor palavra até porque voltei tudo igual boneco do posto, mas deu pra entender hahahaha
Hope you enjoy the video!
Click here to watch it on Odysee.
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